Icicle 10
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2013 North West Icicle 10

Saturday 3rd March 2013 - Glasson Sailing Club

Please click on the photos to see a larger one.

Photos kindly taken by Ivan Haslam - see end of report for Alan Rounds photos and video

Thanks too to Ivan who was Officer of the Day

Would we get more wind today?   Yes.  We even had some sunshine while we got our boats ready it was another nice afternoon.  Seven boats turned up to race - the biggest turnout of the year!

Ivan set the course Open Line As - Gp - Bp - 18s - Ss.  Ivan planned three laps.


008s 010s
The race hasn't started and already the wind is dropping!  The start, strung out, Michael's even further behind!  The wind fading caught some of us out

012s 013s 014s
End of the first leg, Big John and Jack already out of sight on the second leg.  We only managed one lap!

015s 016s
Ian and John being compromised by Silver River.

End of the first race - notice the new marker buoy S, this was donated by Brian Kerry some time ago but Michael has only just painted the marks on it and put it out this morning.

Resting between races while OOD Ivan decides on the new course.  The wind was getting up so we said we'll do the same course but two laps.

020s 021s 023s
Big John leading Jack home.  Michael, Jack and Steve.

Big John won both races which gained him 18 points which has more or less guaranteed that he'll win the series if he turns up on the last day, pushing Michael out who has been leading for a while now.


Series Status

Alan Round made this video on Sunday. Watch the two leading boats being swept upstream by the tide, about 50 minuites before high water

Four photos from Alan - the start of the first race:

ar04s ar03s ar04s
